write your personal wyshlist and share it with friends, family and collegues. Thus, they will know which presents bring a smile to your face.
What is required?
3 steps to enjoyable gifts
Register at ylyke with name and email.
Put the things you like to have into your personal wyshlist
Share your wishes with your frynds.
Who can see my wyshlist?
The access is limited to the frynds you invited. Your frynds are not visible to each other.
How do it get my presents?
Your frynds see your wyshlyst an can make reservations. Once reserved, the item is no longer available for other frynds. The reservation is valid for 6 weeks. It is also annulled if the wish is canceled by the ylyker.
Any reservation is confirmed by mail. The frynd can undo the reservation or confirm purchase at any time.
You don’t see the reservations. You will learn by surprise of the selection, when frynds drop in with pleasing gifts.
No desires left?
You can delete you ylyke account at any time. The delete button is found in your profile.
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